Mädchen wäscht ihre Hände dank einem Wasserkanister von der Stiftung

Water & Hygiene

Clean water for everyone!

According to official figures, a quarter of the population of Ethiopia does not have safe drinking water. They draw it from muddy waterholes, streams contaminated with cattle excrement or springs that are difficult to access. That's why we build wells and spring catchments in the villages.

In cities there is almost always a basic supply of drinking water. But often many families have to share a single tap. In many poor neighborhoods there is no sewage system. Some people don't even have pit toilets. Women in particular are ashamed: many only go to waste land at night to relieve themselves.

The residents have no newspapers and often no TV either. But they use radios. Menschen für Menschen produces programs and spots. The radio articles are primarily about WASH topics, i.e. water, sanitation and hygiene.

The radio supports the home visits of the aid organization's employees, where, among other things, they distribute canisters with taps for handwashing and ensure that people build shared latrines.

Ziehbrunnen auf einem Hof in Fogera

Our successes last year

Hand hygiene

Icon: Wassertonnen
To improve hygiene, 60 families received canisters for washing their hands


Icon: Brunnen
222 families have safe drinking water thanks to new wells and tapped springs


Icon: Infotagel "Hände waschen"
Radio spots about hygiene reached the residents of the city of Debre Berhan

Project reports on water

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