Mütter geben ihren Kindern zu Essen

Christmas donations

Give the poorest children something to eat!

The poorest mothers in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa are single parents. As day laborers they only earn a pittance. Their children are often malnourished. When they get sick, they lose their appetite and stop eating at all. This can quickly become life-threatening, especially for the little ones under the age of three.

That's why we give our mothers additional nutrition with protein-rich foods. The mothers also receive training. They learn how, even with little money, they can feed their children a balanced diet so that they grow up healthy.

This is only possible thanks to our donors. Let's help together. Thank you for your donation!

As a ZEWO-certified foundation, we report regularly. The ZEWO seal of quality certifies that your donation goes to the right place and does good efficiently.

ZEWO-Zertifikat: Roter Kreis mit rotem Haken

Ihre Kontaktperson

Donors receive a payment confirmation by e-mail and a written donation confirmation for the tax return at the beginning of the year.


Ihre Daten werden über eine verschlüsselte Internetverbindung (SSL), ohne Zugriff durch Unbefugte, übermittelt.

Your donations to the Foundation Menschen für Menschen are tax-deductible according to the regulations in your canton of residence.