Bauernfamilie vor ihrer Hütte in Abaya auf dem Land

Raphe – Rural Development

Project goals

The Raphe district is characterized by tiny plots of land, uncertain harvests and a lack of alternatives for the rural population. Many families do not have enough food, water shortages are a major problem and there is hardly any income outside of agriculture. The project creates new opportunities so that the people of Raphe can shape their own future.

Äthiopische Fahne im Dorf von Raphe

Project information

  • Target group: small farmers and day laborer families
  • Region: Raphe is a district in the Gedeo Zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR)
  • Partner: Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA)
  • Duration: Three-year project phase, 2025 - 2027


  • Drinking water: Develop new sources, repair existing water points and impart knowledge about clean water.
  • Nutrition: Using better seed varieties, improving farming practices and preparing farmers for climate change.
  • Climate: Stop erosion, plant trees and make soils more fertile.
  • Income: We create opportunities to earn money – through market cultivation, new products and better marketing.
  • Networks: Connect farmers to savings groups and cooperatives so that they are stronger together.
  • Health: Educate families about nutrition and contraception so that women can decide for themselves about their future.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

With the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations has formulated 17 goals for sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a roadmap for the future that enables a dignified life while preserving the natural foundations of life. With this project, we are contributing to achieving the following goals:

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