Mitglieder einer Selbsthilfegruppe führen buch und verteilen Mikrokredite

How we help with microloans

Get out of poverty with seed capital

Whether in Switzerland or Ethiopia: founders need seed capital to build their own business. That's why microcredits are so important for particularly poor women in Ethiopia. We consciously give loans primarily to women in order to strengthen their position in families and society.

First, we teach women how to handle money in self-help groups. They save small amounts every week for at least three months - this is how they prove their motivation. We then provide the groups with seed capital. The women receive a microcredit, usually the equivalent of around 80 francs. They use this amount to build a small business in order to become independent of outside help.

The women pay the microloans back to the self-help groups over two years. The repayments make new microloans possible. This creates a revolving system from which we can withdraw after a few years: people can manage on their own.

Manche Frauen kaufen Esel und werden zu Kleinspediteurinnen

Our successes last year

Livestock breeding

Icon Milchwirtschaft
560 small farmers raise goats, sheep and cattle with the help of microcredits

Small businesses

Icon Geschäftsgründung
979 women were able to open a business with their first microcredit

Accounting courses

MfM-Icon Kalkulieren
The women took part in training in starting and running a small business

Project reports on the topic of microcredit

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