Mutter hält Kind auf Arm, Tenu Boru aus Borena erhielt Nothilfe - Stiftung Menschen für Menschen

Drought in Ethiopia: Emergency aid for pastoralist families

Borena – Emergency Aid

Project goal

In Borena, in the southernmost part of Ethiopia, we ensured the survival of 4,539 people through the drought months until the end of 2022. The families had lost all their livestock and thus their source of income. In order to preserve the health and development of the youngest children in particular, they urgently needed basic foodstuffs.

Landkarte von Äthiopien mit Markierung in Borena

The project

In 2022, the Horn of Africa experienced the worst drought in forty years. For two years in a row, the rainy seasons were only light. In many communities in Borena, in the very south of Ethiopia, there was no rainfall in spring 2022, and the rainy season in September was also absent in many places. Many herding families have come from the vastness of the savannah to villages and small towns in the hope of water and fodder for their livestock. But many families have already lost their herds completely. For these families, Menschen für Menschen is organizing the distribution of emergency aid in two rural districts. In coordination with the local communities and the authorities, the foundation brought maize flour and cooking oil to the disaster area. The herders also received washing soap and tarpaulins so that they could build temporary shelters. The relief supplies were distributed in monthly campaigns between July and December 2022.

Project information

  • Activities:
    • procurement of relief supplies
    • Transport of goods to the Borena region – distribution of aid supplies to the shepherd families
    • follow-up of the situation
  • Target group: 939 shepherd families (total 4539 people)
  • Region: Borena, Oromia Region
  • Partner: SSD
  • Duration: July to December 2022

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

With the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations has formulated 17 goals for sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a roadmap for the future that enables a dignified life while preserving the natural foundations of life. With this project, we have contributed to achieving the following goals:

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