In the family of the girl Hirut, there used to be sheer despair: When the father came home, the family looked at his hands: had he found work? Had he been able to buy food? The daily laborer often came empty-handed. Then he, the mother and the then 13-year-old Hirut would go without dinner.
Today, one and a half years later: What a change! The voices are happy, the faces are beaming. What has happened? We have included the family in our children's project: In the town of Debre Berhan, we support 1,200 children from the poorest families. They receive school supplies, food, and help with their homework. We also support the parents' career opportunities. Hirut's mother received training and a microcredit of the equivalent of 85 Swiss francs. She soon began to earn her money as a small-scale coffee and tea seller. This is how we provide "help for self-development."
Here you can find a detailed report about Hirut’s family:
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