Äthiopische Birr in den Händen

Donation information

Donation account

If you would like to make a donation to the Menschen für Menschen foundation other than using our fast and secure online donation form, payment slip or e-banking, you will find our donation account below:

Payment information

Bank: Postfinance AG, Berne
Account No.: 90-700 000-4
Account holder:
Foundation Menschen für Menschen – Karlheinz Böhm’s Ethiopia Aid
Stockerstrasse 10
8002 Zurich

IBAN: CH97 0900 0000 9070 0000 4
IID (BLZ/BC-No.): 9000



Payment slip

You can easily order a payment slip via our online donation form by selecting "Payment slip" as the payment method. You will then receive the payment slip within the next two working days.

Alternatively, you can also download the payment slip (in German) as a PDF here:

Deduct donation from taxes

We will be happy to issue you with a donation receipt. Our organization is recognized by the tax authorities and your donation is therefore deductible. Please note the regulations in the tax code of your canton of residence.

Your contact person